Conscious Relationship Coach

 Marcella Anna Brebaum

From agile leadership coach in international organizations, to guiding and supporting individuals and modern couples to thrive in their most important areas of life.

Hi, my name is Marcella, and I am certified conscious relationship and systemic coach. When it comes to the art of relating, I trained and learned with some of the most known experts in their field over the course of the past 12 years. I am certified by the Gottman Institute for couples therapy and Heart Coach by Annie Lalla, to name a few. I graduated originally with MSc in International Business at Babson College (#1 school for entrepreneurship since “forever”) – which is where I recently gave my TEDx Talk and where I found my passion for supporting entrepreneurs.

The idea behind Modern Couples is based on my own journey, my own life and a very special need: to find a coach that can understand a modern couple mindset! A mindset that is growth, purpose and solution oriented.


Modern Couples was born to inspire and coach modern and entrepreneurial couples. Guiding purpose-oriented women and men towards consciously relating in all areas and phases of life.

Mixing approaches inspired from systemic and agile coaching with polarity, tantra and numerous other teachings transforming on a cell and subconscious level.

With Modern Couples, I want to give couples positive, joyful and empowering coaching that adapts to the lifestyle and challenges and helps to make dreams possible and true!


As seen in or on stage

Summit / online conference

Healing my own relations

In my TEDx talk I share one of my essential and defining moments where I got to put all my tools to practice. A break-up that lead me down into the depth of my own relationship wounds and called me to rise to the occasion.  Creating a graceful conscious uncoupling experience for both of us and many that have been inspired since then.

Conscious relating came into my life as an inner answer to the many questions and challenges I faced since early on in life about how to better communicate, trust, belonging and collaboration.

There is a saying that the soul carefully chose a home and family for experiences with plenty of opportunities to grow and heal.

My own journey of relating and growth is ever unfolding and I am here for all the flavors of life, for the full spectrum that my everyday interactions and especially the significant relationships offer.

p.s. Teaching relationship skills, doesn’t mean that these  relations are all harmonious and “good vibes only”, no. I like the term of describing them as alive, engaging, supportive, and I purposefully make time and space for challenging times, the process, experience and integration together.


Heart Coaching Call

What’s your current relationship challenge? I currently offer 111 free 20 min Heart Coaching Calls *1 pP. to explore what is possible in a short amount of time if you speak to the right person with the mindset of transforming something positively and fast. The results so far are exceptional, even for me and what I expected. Secure your free spot here