The seasons

New Astrological Year Q1

Q1 - Equinox

The power of rituals

Rituals invite us to reconnect, recalibrate, recharge.

Become aware to be here now.

In gratitude and with intentionality embracing the season or the theme at hand.

The ritual energy sparks something inside of us. Its like planting a seed and then watching it grow over the following days, weeks, months.

A ritual creates a container and energetic space for you to step outside your day to day hustle and routines and into shifting your energies.

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Q2 - the Light


Northern Hemisphere: most sunlight

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Q3 - Equinox

Cycle of life

They say that the veil between the worlds (our worldly world and the world of spirits) is particularly thin in this time.


Q4 - the dark

look inwards & recharge

Northern Hemisphere: the longest nights and therefore dark


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